VLC - AutoPlay Music CD

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

VLC - AutoPlay Music CD - iMac OSX Applescript

I do not use iTunes, nor do I have any desire to do so.  I do, however, enjoy using VideoLAN's VLC Media Player, but with my current OSX 10.6.8 operating system, my VLC Media Player doesn't have the option upon instillation to make it the default media player.  I have no idea why.All I know is that whenever I insert a Music CD into my drive VLC will not play the disc.

It may be different for you, I don't know.  But, if I open my System Preferences > Hardware > CDs & DVDs > "When you insert a music CD:" and change this option from "Open QuickTime Player.app" to "VLC.app", it will not play.  I must choose the option to "Ignore" then manually open VLC and choose to Open Disc.  Even then it will not play properly as it will try to play the CD at the exact same time as trying to populate the VLC Playlist with the contents of the CD, therefore the music stammers and stalls at the two operations fight over control of the disc drive.

What solved this was to open the Audio CD disc folder, select all of the audio files, and drag them to the VLC PlayList, and play them from there (drag-dropping them to the player interface would also cause a fight over the drive by as described above).  This works, but the tracks are out of order 1, 10, 11, 12, 2, 3 ... 9. Very annoying to someone who likes to listen to an album in order.

So, here's the solution.  Open your AppleScript Editor (system app) and paste this into the window:

on music CD appeared d
    tell application "VLC"
        OpenURL "/Volumes/Audio CD"
        delay 1
        set numberOfFiles to count of "/Volumes/Audio CD"
        delay (numberOfFiles * 1)
    end tell
end music CD appeared

Save the file as a Script file, suggested name "VLC Autoplay CD.scpt", put it somewhere on your computer.  Maybe in HD > Library > Scripts or MyComputer > Library > Scripts.  Now, simply go to your "When you insert a music CD:" preference and choose "Run Script" and select your "VLC Autoplay CD.scpt" file.  That's it.  The next time you insert an Audio Music CD, it should play automatically with VLC.

The above script assumes that you are using an iMac desktop computer, you have VLC Media Player already installed, and that your Audio CD drive  is indeed located at the "file:///Volumes/Audio CD" directory or "/Volumes/Audio CD".  If you are using a laptop or an external drive etc. it may be in a different location.  I'm sure there's a way to have that drive path automatically detected by the script, but I haven't the time nor the motive to figure it out as the above is simple works for me and is easy for others to edit for their own needs.

If you have any useful changes or additions to this script, let me know, make a comment.

Update:  hm, seems that this only works if the playlist is clear to start with.  If there are other items in the playlist, it will start playing the last item to be played, such as a movie you watched before trying to listen to this music CD.  So, I updated the scripts like this to quit VLC (which clears the playlist) then restart it:

on music CD appeared d
    tell application "VLC"
        delay 2
        OpenURL "/Volumes/Audio CD"
        delay 1
        set numberOfFiles to count of "/Volumes/Audio CD"
        delay (numberOfFiles * 1)
    end tell
end music CD appeared


Laser Turntable

Friday, July 8, 2011

I really love analogue sound when listening to music.  Sure, digital music is very convenient and practical compared to current methods of storing analogue sound, and most music is just not worth listening to on a quality anything above that found in the typical portable player or car stereo.  But, for that music which you deem to be worthy of multiple listening, deep thought, and emotion it would seem analogue sound (that is, the sound which we hear with our own ears) would be most pleasing to listen to.

For many reasons records have great quality of sound; the little continuously swirling groove in the record is filled with bumps created by the vibrations of sound; not a computer's interpretation of sound into digital then reinterpreted back out into speakers.  Trying to convert a sound wave into a digital format has proved to be difficult since a sound is a resonation [sic] caused by a physical disturbance such as something hit.  That amount of information in that 'hit' is massive as a resonance can conceivably go on for ever such as, when a bell is rung, when does the ringing stop?  It seems to fade and fade into oblivion beyond the capability of human hearing.  Or do we still hear it, but merely do not recognize it due to other overlapping sounds such as the wind in the trees, the hum of the refrigerator, our own breathing, or heartbeat?  Why not cut out all of the sounds below and above the range of human hearing?  This has been done with digital music, but somehow people can tell something is different; something is missing.  Often people describe this missing 'something' to be a lack of warmth or purity, or dare I say, soul.

The little 'bumps' in a record's groove are little 'hits'.  Each bump is a wave, and when that wave is amplified and pushed out through speakers, the wave hits the air, unchanging from it's smaller form, only bigger now, then through the air and onto our ear drum; onto our body; resonating through our whole body and soul.

The digital representation of these waves are cut off at the top and bottom, thus the resonance is lost.  The wave will reach a certain peak, and that's it, it cannot continue further.

Well, this is the way I see it.  I see sound waves as I do any other form of energy, as a resonation that affects everything around it.  Yes, similar in mind to the so-called Butterfly Effect.

Unfortunately, using the traditional record player where a needle physically sits in the groove of the record getting 'hit' by the bumps as they pass-by underneath has some detractions in the form of physical wear, static electricity build-up, foreign particles in the groove, and so forth.

Wouldn't it be great to be able to encase a record in-between two pieces of glass or clear vinyl and read the bumps on the grooves with a laser instead, as is done with a laser disc (CD, DVD, etc.)?  Well, a small company in Japan decided to take that idea to its first step, that is, a record player that uses lasers rather than a needle to play the music.

The company is called Edison Laser Player, now shortened to ELP as their product is now called Edison Laser Turntable.

In the two-sided V-shaped groove of a record, there are two separate recordings, one on each side of the groove; one for the left channel and one for the right to create stereo sound.  Two lasers, one for each side of the groove are used to accomplish this same feat.

I couldn't help but note from the ELP company's website that, "1991 Sold the Laser Turntable to the first overseas customer, the Canadian Library."  Good on Canada!

Another problem found with traditional record players that is eliminated with this laser player is the needle picking up sounds from beyond the record, such as taps or bumps on the table, floor, and even sound coming from the speakers if they are nearby (essentially, feedback) - I have all of these problems plus static build up clicks and pops on dry summer days.  I remember reading the story of one person who was walking across the room when his footsteps were amplified by the turntable and such was the deep reverberation of the sound that it blew out his speakers.  Apparently, no more with the laser turntable.

Official Website: www.elpj.com
Photos By: Kell

Create Mac OSX Folder Icon

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Okay, on your computer you have icons which are little picture representations of things.  In this discussion I will talk about those little pictures that look like Folders.  Here's a plain default folder icon for mac next to the Library folder icon:

Okay, so here what most people do not realize; each icon is an icon set.  That is, there are 5 different images in each icon.  Why?  Because you can choose adjust your icon size.  Some like them big, some like them small, plus, as screen sizes get bigger an resolutions get better, you need larger better quality icon files.  When you are looking through a large list of files, it's usually easier to view your files like this, and can click on the arrows so see a drop-down of the files inside:

See the little icons.  These are the 16x16 pixel size icons, the smallest.  The blue folder above, is the medium sized 128x128.

Can you see a discrepancy between the folders?  If you're like me, you've spotted it right away.

Lets take this folder and scale it down to 16x16.  Compare it to the "E-books" folder above.

When you scale images down, they lose a lot of their detail.  Take this default "Library" folder for example in the 128x128 icon size:

Do you see the difference between the 128 size and the 16 above?  Let's shrink it.  See the loss in detail if you merely shrink it?  What on earth is that blot on that little folder?  See, I decided to use another folder icon for my "Games" folder.  Can you make it out above?  It looks like this when it's larger:

See, someone used one of the many icon maker programs on the internet to copy and paste their icon image, and all that happens is that the original image is auto-shrunk/scaled into the smaller sizes, and thus, detail is lost.  But the people that make the Mac computer software create different images for the smaller icons in order to keep them clearer at smaller sizes such as the 16x16 library folder icon:

See the difference?  The system folder (left) is now outlined in dark blue, squared off into a rectangle, the columns are not 3 rather than 4, no more dot in the triangle, and so forth.  Let's enlarge it so see how it has been simplified:

So, I thought it would be neat to make my own folder icons.  It's pretty simple.  Make an image in a png image format with a transparent background in a 512x512 size (current largest size used on computers) and copy and paste it, or use img2icons or other software.

I got one of those folder icon making applications (Icon Composer can be found for free on your Mac install disc) and wanted to be like the professionals and make a different image for the 32x32 and 16x16 sizes.

There they are.  Not perfect, but looks good enough compared to a faded fuzzy looking little rectangle made with the auto-shrink.  Using Icon Composer I save it.  It saves the file as an .icns file.  So, each of the different sizes I've saved in the file.  Okay, now to apply it to my games folder.  Hm.  How do I do that?  I search the net.  Nobody seems to know how to do it.  They DO know how to extract the images from an .icns file and copy and paste an image to a folder icon, but, that merely auto-shrinks.  I want to do it the way the system folders do it -- different images for different sizes.

Normally you would use img2icns or similar program apply their image to the folder, but that only works when you are using ONE image file and want to auto-shrink it to the smaller sizes.  Sometimes this works fine depending on what you want, but not for this instance.  I want my folders to look the same as the system folders.  I tried various programs, they all auto-shrink.

This is where I'm stuck.  [jump to end for solution]. And, I just noticed something else.  There is an additional 16x16 image for many folders. If you drag and drop an icon onto your sidebar if you use if often... have a look:

Games folder icon auto-shrunk

Games folder icon with custom-16x16-icon

See, the Desktop, Pictures, and Music folders have additional full-colour 16x16 icons for the sidebar!  How do I do that??!! But I digress!

Here's a good explanation of why all these different sizes are needed:

Getting closer to an answer?:

I found an old program that does the trick: Iconographer.
Just open your .icns file, then choose Save Into File, and select the folder who's icon you want to replace (and choose to correct the masks).  Works!  Buuuut, the largest it supports is 128x128.  But, I never view my folders at 512x512 - that's huge, why would I need the to be that huge?

Okay, that will do for the moment until I find a (free) solution.

So, I was told that CandyBar is an icon making app that will apply .icns files to folders etc.  I tried it.  It does.  But, it is a paid program with a free trial period. 

Nonetheless, I used it, and it works with a drag and drop method.  The program is pretty 'busy' looking and not quite at user friendly as it would seem for such a small and simple program.  I had to watch a video tutorial to find out how to do it.

When making my 16x16 sized icon, the result was not coming out as I'd like it to, that is, looking like a regular system file.  I found that using a default 16x16 folder png file as a background had too much visible degradation or resolution loss at such a small size.  With the larger icons, such is not as noticeable.  So, I re-drew the icon of the default 16x16 file folder.

The image on the right is the original png with vector circles drawn on top.  Once exported as a png and thus rasterized (changed to pixles, yet again) the circles look a bit more blurred and melded together into each other and the border.  I re-drew it in a vector with a 1px drop shadow at the bottom (10% of black), adjusted the mouth opening and spacing.  You can preview your raster (in Illustrator) without exporting it by applying the Effect - Rasterize, which can then be turned on and off in the Appearance Window pane, which will allow you to adjust your spacing, colours, etc. so they look as they should and not blended together or too light/dark, etc.  My pac man is more oval, the mouth more beaked, the dots more squished into ovals as well.

Okay, just one more question now, "How do I create my own SideBar Icon?

LiteIco: http://www.freemacsoft.net/LiteIcon/

Iconographer (free oldware): http://www.mscape.com
Works, but  maximum icon size: 128px

CandyBar: PaidWare (free trial): http://www.panic.com/candybar/
Maximum size: 512.  Not very intuitive.

Icon Composer: OSX system app (free):  found on install disc or: http://developer.apple.com/xcode/
Creates .icns files from your icon art you created in a drawing program, or photo, etc.

Img2Icons app (free): takes any image, drag and drop onto any folder or app to change icon. http://www.img2icnsapp.com/
One image is used to auto-create all of the icon sizes. Easy to use.

pic2icon, icon2png, icns2icon, icon2icns, icon2ico (all free): http://osxiconeditor.phatcode.net/index.html
All are limited to maximum 128x128.

I had the simple solution all along!!!! for applying the icns file to a folder.
**IconDroplet** (free): http://web.me.com/zweigand
It was not working when I first tried it, but I noticed the "IconDroplet for Tiger (10.4)" folder, and used the alternative app found in there, and it works! I wrongly assumed that it was meant for the pre-10.6 OSX, but realized that the program had not been updated in awhile and was meant to be used for 10.4+.

Drag and drop your .icns file onto the doc icon, and it will create an .app on your desktop using the same files and name of your .icns file.  Super simple.  You can now do the old Get Info, select icon at Top-Left, Cmd-Copy, and select the destination icon in the same way, in the Get Info window, and Cmd-Paste.  It will Copy-Paste the entire icon set, with each custom size.  Other programs do not copy-paste the entire icon set.


Save/Convert with VLC Media Player

Friday, April 22, 2011

Save/Convert Audio Video File with VLC Media Player

Sometimes, you click on an audio/video stream on the internet and you would like to save it.  If you can play it with the VLC Media Player, you can also save the file.

Often I click on a streaming link, such as an .asx link, which can contain inside it the link to one or more media files. VLC will play them automatically when clicked (on my computer).

Here's an example of how to save an audio stream to an .MP3 file.

This is a good example page to look at:

Concerts On Demand: Canadian Songwriters Hall Of Fame 2011

As you can see, all of the tracks are listed, plus a link at the very top that says "Play All Tracks". Let's just try saving one of these files. Say, track number 34,Daniel Lanois - "Moon Struck One".

First, let's find out what the bitrate (quality) of the file is, we'll need to know that for one of the following steps. Play the song in VLC that you want to save. Go to > Window > Media Information > Statistics Tab and look at Stream Bitrate. For this file, it should be about 128.

Right-click on the web-page song link and choose to Copy Link Location (or similar wording on different browsers).

Open VLC > File > Streaming Exporting Wizard (Streaming Transcoding Wizard)
Select Transcode/Save To File.

Paste the link in the box for "Select A Stream"

[Alternatively, if you've already played the link in VLC, you'll see it your playlist and can select if from there too.]

Click "Next"

Now you can choose what type of file you'd like to save it as and the Bitrate (sound quality). For this example, we'll save it as an MP3. Choose MPEG Audio (don't choose MP3; choosing MP3 doesn't produce good results for some reason, for me). Now, choose the bitrate you found earlier for the Stream Bitrate. 128.

[note, yes, we are saving an lossy audio format into another lossy audio format, but I don't care, I'm not listening to these files on a very nice stereo system, but if you care about loss of audio quality, even if it's already at a the low quality of 128 (pretty much the minimum for listenable music) choose the lossless audio format FLAC and save as a lossless OGG file. They are also free free, open, and unpatented. Vorbis is the free, open, and unpatented version of MP3. I choose MP3 simply because my portable player, car, etc all play MP3s.]

Next, choose the RAW format, because choosing any other produces bad results in my experience i.e. unopenable files.

Next, type in a file name and location to save it to. If you want to listen to the song as it is being recorded, check the Local Playback box, but it will often slow down the process, so I leave it unchecked. It will take the length of the song to record/encode it to the file. Once that is done, it will be saved with a .raw extension. Just rename it to .mp3 and you're done.

I've actually converted files on my computer using this method as well, but MAX the Ripper is great for this - converting audio files from one format to another.  It's for ripping audio from a CD into your selected audio format, but you can rip from one format to another also.


Patented Compression Audio Codec: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MP3
Free Lossless Audio Codec: http://flac.sourceforge.net/
Free Open Compression Audio Codec:  http://www.vorbis.com/
Free Open Multimedia Container File Format: http://www.xiph.org/ogg/
Audio CD Ripper and Multi-Format Converter: http://sbooth.org/Max/
Free Open Cross-Platform Multimedia Player: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/


Classic Rupert Bear Miniatures

Thursday, April 7, 2011

(click for larger image)

Oh, these look so cool!  Hand-made and painted Rupert Bear figurines!  The Rupert Bear Annual is the most imaginative and visually interesting and artistic storybook that was read to me as a child, and later read to myself, and later still read to my own children.

Look At The Fine Detail!

I Wants - If ever you'd like to get me a gift, these are something I'd love to have.  Currently I have:  zero.  www.classicrupertbearminiatures.com

Update September 2014 -- Since my original posting in 2011 about the miniatures, they became unavailable.  Oh, that worried me, so I tracked down the sculptor, Colin Patten, and was able to purchase some of his remaining figures.  They are of excellent quality.  I was very glad to receive them.   He had put the Rupert Bear collection on hold as other work projects were taking up all of his time.  I just took a peek and they are now available again, plus new characters as well!!!

If you love these, you just may love Colin's Hobbit and Lord of the Rings collection of Middle Earth! www.themiddleearthcollection.com  or, even more impressive, his company that creates museum history pieces www.historymaker.ie -- just amazing!

Click For Larger Image

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